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Rate capping petition

We need your help.

Right now, the Victorian Parliament is conducting a public enquiry into Council funding.

You can read more here: 

One of the MAIN claims by all Councils and their peak bodies (MAV, VLGA, Finpro, LGPro) is that rate capping is unfair and needs to end.

We must send a clear message that Council rates MUST continue to be rate capped.

​In a cost-of-living crisis, Victorian Councils would love to be able to increase rates by 10-20% a year.

Rate capping has already saved Victorians MILLIONS in unfair rates increases.​​​​

rate cap.jpg

Tell the Victorian Parliament YOU want rate capping to STAY.

I, the undersigned, do NOT want the parliament to allow:

  • Rate capping to end

  • Councils to increase rates however they see fit

  • Councils to be able to shift any more costs to "additional service charges"

I want Councils to:

  • Become more efficient in their service delivery costs

  • Focus on providing value for money in their service delivery

Rate capping remains the strongest mechanism the parliament can use to ensure Councils are responsible with public money.

Which VIC Council?

By submitting you agree to sign the petition to keep rate-capping in Victoria.

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